
Friday, 25 February 2022

Samsung Galaxy A6 2018 A600G sound is not working Problem solution

 Samsung Galaxy A6 2018 A600G sound is not working Problem solution

  on the off chance that you are dealing with sound issue in Samsung Galaxy A6 2018 A600G it very well may be the reason for water harms or broken parts. in initial step look at the volume and other programming setting of the telephone. since it might can be the product issue so fix it in introductory advance.

Samsung Galaxy A6 2018 A600G sound is not working Problem solution

Samsung Galaxy A6 2018 A600G sound is not working Problem solution

in the event that product can not fix the sound issue of Samsung Galaxy A6 2018 A600G No sound Problem arrangement. then, at that point, dis gather the telephone and discover this ic as referenced in above outline once you follow this part then, at that point, make it clean with gadgets cleaner and make it dry with hot air.

in the event that issue would not fix by cleaning these parts then, at that point, be able to attempt to fix by supplanting it.